Clarity Giving Tree 2021

seasonal struggles

All year long, kids work hard to become mentally healthy at Clarity Child Guidance Center. The end of the year, however, has its own set of challenges. 

The holiday season brings up many difficult emotions. Grief, stress, and disappointment can be hard for adults to bear. Imagine dealing with it as a child!

you can warm a child’s heart

Clarity wants YOUR HELP to bring holiday cheer to the kids who are struggling with their mental health this season.

  1. Collect toys with a Giving Tree! Anyone can set up toy drive to make sure the children getting mental health treatment during the holidays receive meaningful gifts. Email us to get your tree!
  2. Send support directly via Amazon! Clarity’s wishlist has toys as well as everyday items that will make children’s recovery smoother. Click here to view our wishlist. 
  3. Give funds to support children’s treatment! Community support allows Clarity to ensure kids who need our services receive our services regardless of their family’s ability to pay. Give here. 

Click the links above or email to get started!

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