How Trauma Impacts a Child


Trauma impacts the development of a child, increasing the risk for emotional, behavioral, academic, social and physical problems throughout life. During this Clarity Child Guidance Center community presentation, ‘How Trauma Impacts a Child’, Clarissa Zamora, Director of Education and Outreach for ChildSafe, examines the link between childhood trauma and chronic health problems, reviews resiliency in children and how it is built on internal and external factors, and shares her own personal story.

This 5-part series helps viewers to:

  • Understand the developmental differences when children are affected by child abuse
  • Examine the history of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) research, and attendees will calculate their own ACE and Family Strength scores
  • Review SEARCH Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets, and
  • Review how resiliency is built on external and internal factors.

Clarity Child Guidance Center hosted this community presentation on November 8, 2013.

*Note: You must be able to access YouTube to view these videos. Some organizations limit access to this video-sharing website.

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