Spotlighting an Incredible Volunteer at Clarity Child Guidance Center


If you have visited Clarity Child Guidance Center’s campus, chances are you probably know Kay Perez who works as Unit Clerk. But do you know her son and our new star-studded volunteer Bryan?  

volunteer shopper Bryan PerezBryan is 36 years and is diagnosed with cerebral palsy. He was fully wheelchair bound for 10 years and is now able to walk and run after 8 major orthopedic surgeries. As a matter of fact, he was a 2011 Special Olympics Gold Medal winner! 

Recently, Bryan has spent his weekends shopping for Clarity’s Bridge the Gap closet!

Kay takes Bryan to Goodwill with donated Goodwill gift cards from Junior League of San Antonio to shop for items needed in our Bridge the Gap closet. She says this special way to give back is a great time for them to bond and spend quality time together. They even make a game out of it by finding the tags with the color of the day which indicates that the item is 50% off.

After they were done shopping, Bryan was still in a giving spirit. He went through his closet to check for clothing items that he could donate himself despite being emotionally attached to all his clothes.  

Join us in thanking Bryan and Kay for their selflessness and dedication to giving back to our children here at Clarity! 

If you are interested in being a volunteer at Clarity Child Guidance, send an email to or fill out the form below!

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